

When to Bring a Contract Manufacturer into Your Product Development Process

As an engineering-based manufacturing company, we’re honored to help many small to medium sized businesses transform their ideas into tangible products. Our product development services offer customers across all industries a viable path forward for new and exciting innovations. If you’re a product developer thinking about reaching out to us for these services, you may […]


Turnkey Contract Manufacturing: from Concept to Completion

Product designers usually have a clear vision of how they want a product to look and function. But if they don’t have a strong engineering background, they can face difficulties navigating the numerous steps that must take place between product concept and finished product. Partnering with a contract manufacturer early on in the design process […]


5 Considerations for Ceramic Machining Applications

According to the American Ceramic Society, the oldest known ceramic artifact is dated as early as 28,000 BCE. Indeed, humans have been manufacturing and using ceramics since ancient times. Ceramic applications have evolved substantially over the last 30,000 years. These days, the material is used in everything from bricks for building houses, to kitchen knives, […]


7 Design Tips for Injection Molding

Are you considering injection molding for your next project? Injection molding, which consists of injecting molten material into a mold and allowing it to harden, is an excellent solution for high-volume or mass-produced quantities of identical parts.  While the upfront cost of tooling for injection molding is more expensive than conventional machining, an initial investment […]


24 Ways to Reduce Costs for Assemblies

Businesses that rely on manufacturing to make parts and products have faced immense challenges over the last year, from global supply chain shortages to rising costs of raw materials. While it’s encouraging to see America reopening, many of these challenges aren’t going away anytime soon. As businesses ramp up production again, there’s an increasing demand […]


Avoid These 6 Common Product Design Mistakes

If you’ve ever seen the show “Shark Tank,” you may be inclined to think that developing a new product is as easy as formulating a great idea. All you really need is one great PowerPoint presentation, a killer elevator pitch, some investors and—Boom!—your product will be flying off the shelves, right? We hate to crush […]

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Solving Machining Challenges Through Creative and Innovative Thinking

Manufacturing is almost never a straight and easy path—and that’s one of the reasons it’s so exciting!  Each part brings with it a unique set of complexities and requirements that, more often than not, require creative thinking to solve, resolve or address. At Polyhistor, we love a good challenge. As a team of curious engineers, […]


What to Do When You’re Stuck in the Engineering Phase of Product Development

Engineers are known for being meticulous—and it’s easy to understand why: they’re responsible for ensuring that critical parts function properly, so they spend a lot of time perfecting every detail of the product development process.  But as the saying goes, “perfect is the enemy of good.” Getting stuck in the engineering phase can be a […]


Ready to develop your next product?

Polyhistor is your one-stop-shop solution Got a big idea for a product? Are you looking for guidance on how to turn your napkin sketch into a functioning prototype? If you’re great at coming up with exciting concepts but need help connecting your ideas to design and manufacturing, the team at Polyhistor International can help. Why […]

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