
Rapid tooling, rubber grommet

“Yes, but I need parts NOW!!!” A last-minute cable design change required a different grommet to protect a cable as it passed out of an enclosure.  Nothing was available off-the-shelf that had the shape characteristics we needed.  In this case, we needed the durability, heat resistance, and strength and there were no rapid prototyped material […]

Keep your new products simple

We like developing simple products, not just because it is simple.  Simple products are easier for our clients to quickly get out on the market. (Don’t get me wrong, we really love challenging projects too…) Since speed to market is important, not only to be first one out there, but also get your invested money […]

Rapid Prototyped tools for Contract Manufacuting

Our rapid prototyping capability helps us make tools quickly for our contract manufacturing needs. Have you ever been tinkering around and wondered to yourself, “If only I had a tool that could do…”   All of the mechanical engineers I know have extensive tool boxes. While it is great to have every driver, wrench and […]

So what do I need to do to have it made?

Rapid prototypes require a 3D CAD file in STL format.  If you have one, you can upload the file here.  We will send you a quote by e-mail shortly.  The rapid prototype can be produced and delivered to you within a few days. But what if my design is not completed?  That is where our […]