
Photo renderings of your ideas

You know what your thing should look like, and what it should do.  It is probably something you have come to know like a good friend.  You have probably spent hours of creative time working on it, thinking about it, and revising it over and over again.  “Obsession” is a word that usually describes it. […]

Rapid tooling, rubber grommet

“Yes, but I need parts NOW!!!” A last-minute cable design change required a different grommet to protect a cable as it passed out of an enclosure.  Nothing was available off-the-shelf that had the shape characteristics we needed.  In this case, we needed the durability, heat resistance, and strength and there were no rapid prototyped material […]

So what do I need to do to have it made?

Rapid prototypes require a 3D CAD file in STL format.  If you have one, you can upload the file here.  We will send you a quote by e-mail shortly.  The rapid prototype can be produced and delivered to you within a few days. But what if my design is not completed?  That is where our […]